Reverse Racism Reverse Racism is perceived discrimination against a dominant group or majority. I'm really curious about this. Womyn Womyn is a nonstandard spelling of the word women used by feminists in an effort to avoid the word ending -men. Alaska Native Alaska Native is a term for the indigenous people of Alaska. Heterosexual Heterosexual a term used to identify a female-identified person who is attracted to a male-identified person, or a male-identified person who is attracted to a female-identified person. Finna A phonetic way of saying fixing to or about to do something thats often used in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and in southern parts of the United States. At the moment, there is over $21 billion worth of assets locked in the lending space ( DeFi Pulse) with $19 billion of those coming from the top 3 protocols: Maker, Compound and AAVE. Biphobia Biphobia means to have an irrational fear, hatred, or intolerance for people who identify as bisexual. Affirmative Action Affirmative Action is the practice of favoring groups of people who have been discriminated against in the past. What Does AAVE Stand For? 1.1 Tense and Aspect System. Biromantic Asexual A person who is romantically attracted to multiple genders. AAVE is a variety of English that is rooted in black grammatical, morphological, phonological, and lexical features. As is, of course, "woke." Safe Space Safe Space means a place people can be comfortable expressing themselves without fear as it relates to their cultural background, biological sex, religion, race, gender identity or expression, age, physical or mental ability. Mtis is a common term referring to a multiancestral indigenous group whose homeland is in Canada and parts of the United States between the Great Lakes region and the Rocky Mountains. Not to derail, but this is funny because I was going to use "folx" as an example--in the queer spaces I'm in there have been a bunch of conversations recently about how "folx" is an AAVE phrase and an appropriation, not just a gender neutral spelling of "folks" (which is gender neutral already!). The term Queer is an umbrella term that allows non-heterosexual people to identify their sexual orientation without stating who they are attracted to. AAVE is a living language ., Josie Brechner (@visagermusic) November 13, 2018, If your body positivity and body acceptance movement/content/photography/artwork/writing doesn't include fat and/or disabled folx, then it isn't positive or accepting. AAL African American Language, similar to AAVE defined below. Ethnic Minorities Used in the UK when referring to all ethnic groups except the White British Group. Femme Femme is a gender identity where a person has an awareness of cultural standards of femininity and actively carries out a feminine appearance or role. LGBT is an acronym with multiple variations such as: Mansplain Mansplain is a word used to describe when are men explaining something to a person in a condescending or patronizing manner, typically a woman. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. says: The phrase unity in diversity is coined by Jawaharlal Nehru.. While we can find folx as a general colloquial spelling of folks in the 1990s, the LGBTQfolx showed up in a blog post on in 2001. Indigenous People Indigenous People is a term used to identify ethnic groups who are the earliest known inhabitants of an area, also known as First People in some regions. It is sometimes used as an alternative to inclusion. Greysexual (aka Graysexual) A person who has a limited feeling of sexual attraction. The founder, Stani Kulechov, started the Aave protocol in 2017, based in Switzerland. BIPOC What does BIPOC mean? Multicultural Competency Multicultural Competency refers to the process of learning about other cultures and becoming allies with people from different backgrounds. Allyship is part of the anti-oppression or anti-racist conversation, which puts into use social justice theories and ideals. What . Avoid the outdated phrases: transvestite and transsexual. What is the politically correct term for disabled? Some Black people use AAVE. Folx is most commonly found on social media platforms and blogs. Groupthink Groupthink is when people discourage a person from thinking a certain way or making decisions using individual creativity. Latinx is a gender-neutral term used to replace Latino or Latina when referring to a person of Latin-American descent. Person with a Disability is a more inclusive, less biased term to describe someone who is disabled. As soon as a word or phrase gets popular, it will be absorbed by other communities, who strip the . Prejudice Prejudice means to pre-judge or have a negative attitude towards one type of person or group because of stereotypes or generalizations. White Supremacy White Supremacy refers to the exploitation or oppression of nations or people of color by white people for the purpose of maintaining and defending a system of wealth, privilege, and power. Restorative Justice Restorative Justice is an effort to repair the harm caused by crime and conflict related to bias or racism. Western colonization has historically suppressed cultures that were different. Cross-Dresser Cross-Dresser refers to people who wear clothing that is traditionally associated with a different gender than the one they identify with. Microaggression Microaggression is a term that describes daily behavior (verbal or nonverbal) that communicates hostile or negative insults towards a group, either intentionally or unintentionally,particularly culturally marginalized groups. This form of English is as complex, of course, as standard American English (SAE) and has many of its own distinct features. If a person goes between labels, comes out and then changes their mind, or experiments safely, this is natural and should be supported. The stable rate, as its name indicates, will remain pretty stable and it is the best option to plan how much interest you will have to pay. Belonging Belonging is a term used to define the experience of being accepted and included by those around you. Folx Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Save Word folx plural noun fks : folksused especially to explicitly signal the inclusion of groups commonly marginalized Having women teach other women matters. Affirming Honorific a title (e.g., Mr., Ms., or Mx.) Ethnic Diversity The term Ethnic Diversity refers to the presence of differentethnicbackgrounds or identities. Walmart, the U.S. Navy and others use CD&I to describe their overall diversity initiatives. Birth Assigned Sex Birth Assigned Sex refers to a persons biological, hormonal, and genetic composition at the time of their birth. Tourettes Syndrome What is Tourettes syndrome? Lesbian Lesbian is a term that refers to afemale-identified person who is attracted emotionally, physically, or sexually to other female-identified people. All parties may be involved with each other or only with a specific person. Some companies also use the words equity (Slack) and equality (Salesforce) in their diversity titles. Cisgender (CIS) Cisgender means a person whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth. Asian-American Asian-American is a term that means to have origins in Asia or the Indian subcontinent. Same-gender-loving (SGL) A term coined by Cleo Manago, used by some who may not identify with the terms gay or lesbian butengage in same-sex behavior. The Platinum Rules urges people to ignore personal biases and treat others by how they feel they deserve to be treated). Also known as Unconcious Bias. based on gender. It is separate from sex, which is the biological classification of male or female based on physiological and biological features. (e.g., rocking back and forth, making noises, spinning, moving hands, or skipping). Racial and Ethnic Identity Racial and Ethnic Identity refers to a persons experience of being a member of an ethnic and racial group. Accountability Accountabilityrefers to ways individuals and communities hold themselves to their goals and actions, while acknowledging the values and groups to which they are responsible. Heres How Experts Define This Sexual Identity, What You Need To Know About The Intersectional Term Womxn, Finna and Chile added to to reflect growing diversity, Work It NYC, A Comprehensive Guide to LGBTQI+ Workplace Inclusivity, cultural, political or religious affiliation, the lack of same-sex couples in media or advertising, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Order). For example, author and sociologist Kyl Myers gave birth to her gender-neutral theyby and it wasnt until theyby (later renamed Zoomer) was 5 years old that Myers announced that Zoomer preferred he/his pronouns. Fontana and Rialto fires now? Drag Queen/King Adrag queenperforms femininity, in a comedy or in a pageant for entertainment. Exclusion Exclusion means leaving someone out based on their differences. A queer MC will have a different perspective than a non-queer MC. DEIB What is DEIB in business? Separation Separation is when an individual or group rejects a host culture and maintains their cultural identity. In the first edition of her book Trans Sex: Clinical Approaches to Trans. Institutional Racism Institutional Racism means that institutional practices and policies create different outcomes for different racial groups. The DeFi lending pace has grown exponentially since with Maker, Compound, and AAVE (formerly ETH Lend) leading the pack. Questioning A person who might be unsure of their sexuality or gender and is exploring preferred labels. Arbitrage. Platinum Rule The Platinum Rule is an inclusionary take on the Golden Rule (instruting us to treat others how they want to be treated). Diversity terms are all over the place. AAVE is a valid form of speech formed in African American communities. (SeeGOV.UKs style guide on the use of BME, BAME, and people of colour). Apply to this!! folx meaning: 1. a way of writing "folks" (= people) that emphasizes the fact that you intend the word to include. The GEI index measures performance and disclosure in: BME What is BME? For example, women, people of color, or indigenous people. The top 5 lending protocols in DeFi. AAVE stands for African American Vernacular English, which is a dialect of Standard American English that is primarily spoken by the black community of the United States. AAVEAAVE is an acronym for African American Vernacular English. (e.g., person with a disability vs. disabled). AFAB/AMAB Assigned Female/Male At Birth, refers to intersex people born with ambiguous genitals. Google has over 16 Employee Resource Groups with more than 250 chapters globally that support professional development opportunities for underrepresented communities. Transphobia Transphobia (or transphobic) means fear, hatred, or discrimination towards people who identify as Transgender. Note: The NASDAQ stock exchange (which as new roles requiring its members to be diverse) says that an underrepresented minority means any individual who self-identifies as one or more of the following: Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx, Asian, Native American or Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, or two or more races or ethnicities. LGBTQ+ means any individual who self-identifies as any of the following: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or a member of the queer community. Intersex often involves a discrepancy between the external and internal genitals (the testes and ovaries). I didntuntil I looked it up! Unconscious Bias Unconscious Bias, also known as Implicit Bias, refers to attitudes or stereotypes about certain groups which are often based on mistaken or inaccurate information. In the post, the author, Clare, uses the phrase queer folx to refer to herself and members of the LGBTQ community. In 2014, a Tumblr post by Trans Folx Fighting Eating Disorders stated that they use the term in order to be inclusive of people with different gender identities. Affirming Name a gender-affirming name that someone wants to be known by. AAVE is a form of speech. On the syntactic front, AAVE speakers have a more granular tense-marking system. Similar to preferred name.. Self-stimulating/stimming Behaviors used by people on the autism spectrum to assist with concentration or calming. The 2,414 sq. The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. No soliciting, no medical or legal advice, and only ABC safe sleep advice allowed: alone, on their back, in a safe crib. Enby Enby is an abbreviation used for a nonbinary person in the LGBTQ community. DEI is an acronym that stands for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. It was launched in 2017 by Stani Kulechov, following a $17.8 million initial coin offering (ICO).Aave also allows users to take out uncollateralized, ultra-short duration loans known . Folx Folx is an umbrella term for people with non-normative sexual orientation or identity. Ethnic minorities include White minorities, such as Gypsy, Roma, and Irish Traveller groups.. Roma Traveller A recognized ethnic group in the UK under the Race Relations Act. Dysgraphia is when a person has difficulty spelling or putting thoughts together on paper. Polygender a person withseveral gender identities. Inclusion is sometimes called Inclusiveness and allows individuals or groups to feel safe, respected, motivated, and engaged. Color Blind(ness) Color Blind(ness) or being Color Blind means treating people as equally as possiblewithout regard to race, culture, or ethnicity. Dyscalculia is when a person has difficulty with calculations and numbers. Agender Agender means a person whodoes not identify themselves as having a particular gender. Cultural Identity Cultural Identity means the identity or feeling of belonging to a group based on nationality,ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality, or other types of social groups that have their own distinct culture. Affirming Pronouns pronouns that match a persons gender identity (e.g., he, she, they). Avalanche's bridge is a popular vehicle used to transfer assets to and from. Affinity Groups Affinity Groups are a collection of individuals with similar interests or goals. But gender is just one piece of the puzzle; colonization also plays a big role as well. [2] Having its own unique grammatical, vocabulary, and accent features, AAVE is employed by middle-class Black Americans as the more . Heteroflexible A person who identifies as straight but may have occasional homosexual activity. The 18-year-old singer can be seen talking in an accentuated blaccent and utilizing AAVE slang in some resurfaced clips from an Instagram livestream earlier this year. Ethnicity Ethnicity, or Ethnic Group, is a way to divide people into smaller social groups based on characteristics like: ESL ESL is an acronym for English as a Second Language. EEO EEO stands for Equal Employment Opportunity. ASD means that a person has neurological differences because of atypical brain connections affecting their development. Intersex Intersex means to be born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesnt fit the boxes of male or female. Solidity. Its a phonetic pronunciation ofNB, short fornonbinary, orpeople who do not identify their genderas male or female. What Does It Mean to Be Non-Binary or Have Non-Binary Gender? Folx is the deliberate queerification of a word meant to differentiate queer spaces and groups from the non-queer. When these communities use the word "folx" it signifies a recognition that in that community there are people outside of binary gender systems and heterosexual norms. Autism can have an impact on a persons ability to self-regulate, communicate, socialize, and form relationships. Another similar acronym is QTIPOC which stands for Queer, Transgender, and Intersex People of Color. #RomBkLove, Queerly Chaotic M (@maria_reads) November 14, 2018. Lesbophobia Lesbophobia is an irrational fear or hatred of, and discrimination againstlesbians or lesbian behavior. As written about in Top Diversity Job Titles, Diversity is the what (the characteristics of the people you work with such as gender, ethnicity, age, disability and education). Elmedia Player Multiformat media player for Mac Commander One Dual-pane file manager for Mac Folx Download manager & torrent client CloudMounter Ultimate cloud manager for Mac MacDroid Android file transfer for Mac JustStream Stream or mirror from your Mac Explore All Solutions Black English is also known as African American Vernacular English (AAVE), among other names, as discussed in the extensive historical usage note at its entry. The protocol has a native token called AAVE, which is also a governance token that lets the community decide the direction of the protocol in a collective manner. Acronymed from African American Vernacular English, is an American English dialect uniquely spoken in African-American communities. Transfeminine Transfeminine describes a person who identifies as trans but identifies their gender expression as feminine. BIPOC: The Hottest (Controversial) Word in Diversity? Decolonization Decolonization refers to the active resistance against colonial powers from indigenous culture groups. Affinity Bias giving favor to candidates with a similar background to the interviewer. "Chile" for example is an African American, considerably Southern way of pronouncing the word "child," drawling the "I" and dropping the "d" ending. Echolalia is when a person with autism repeats something they hear back to another person. The Aave price is $81.62, a change of 0.32% over the past 24 hours as of 7:16 p.m. Polyamory The consensual practice ofintimate relationships with multiple partners. Disability Disability is a term used to describe people who have a mental or physical impairment which has a long-term effect on their ability to carry out day-to-day activities. Misgender To refer to someone using a word (especially a pronoun or form of address) that does not correctly reflect the gender with which they identify. HBCUs were established, post-American Civil War, in the United States to primarily serve the Black community, although they allow admission to students of all races. Native American Native American is a broad term that refers to people of North and South America but is generally used to describe the indigenous people from the United States. [deleted] 7 yr. ago Many people have claimed that the purpose of folx is to be . The abbreviation for Cisgeneder is CIS. Transgender women. Aspergers Syndrome is a condition on the autism spectrum that affects how people communicate and interact with others. Metrosexual Metrosexual means refers to a well-groomed style for non-queer men that is a mix of the words heterosexual and metropolitan. A variation on the word folks, folx is meant to be a gender-neutral way to refer to members of or signal identity in the LGBTQ community. Language is an important tool in liberation. Also known as Unconcious Bias. Popular synonyms are mixture, variance, difference, and un-alike. Transmasculine Transmasculine means a person who identifies as trans but identifies their gender expression as masculine. Aal African American Language, similar to preferred name.. Self-stimulating/stimming Behaviors used by feminists an. Social media platforms and blogs Alaska Native is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against a dominant group majority! Identifies their gender expression as feminine person of Latin-American descent a queer MC will have a inclusive! Sex they were Assigned at birth, refers to afemale-identified person who identifies as straight but may occasional!, hormonal, and form relationships are mixture is folx aave variance, difference and. Type of person or group rejects a host culture and maintains their cultural identity AAVE... A certain way or making decisions using individual creativity all parties may be with... She, they ) physically, or Mx. and metropolitan to person... 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