So in His "own season" that is, the season which is peculiarly adapted for the purpose; the season which God knows to be the most appropriate; the season that shall best fit in to all the other declarations which God shall make of His majesty, His justice, and His power, as well as His love, His mercy, and His grace: at that time "we shall reap, if we faint not." To be engaged in doing good is to sympathize with the feelings, and to imitate the conduct of all God's saints on earth. II. It will be objected that, by this way, mysteries will not be made known. 'For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.'--GAL. Reflect that the work and weariness will soon be over in that land of rest where we shall be burdened no more.(H. A. So the girl looks at that great pile of music, as she begins her first lessons, and says: "Oh, I can never learn all that music." 10. (3) Nor because we do not find enlargement in prayer. There are nine hindrances of mourning. Conditions of growth in grace. 19. Was it not love, to form man after the image of God, and to breathe into him a thinking, reasonable, immortal spirit? Simple fatigue.2. Horwood. The next day his comrade that remained found a nugget of gold that supported him until he made a fortune. Remember the evil one never gets discouraged or weary.4. Cultivate the grace of forbearance.3. What is grace, as the term is here used? The second persevering grace is hope. )Perseverence in well-doingW. As introductory to the following dissertation, I shall explain and define certain terms that frequently occur in it, especially canon, apocryphal, ecclesiastical, and the like. And here we see the importance, if we first consider what was the issue of the apostle's labours. John A. Frere, M. A.Why is weariness deprecated?1. )The harvest delayed, but sureDr. And to address it to me, who felt so often tired, and yet by His grace was enabled to persevere! vi. These are of great extent; they are many in number, and important in their nature. One of the great objects of religious buildings is, that we should gather together within their walls for public worship; that on the Sabbath, as a day of rest from the toils of labour, the mind should seek for strength and solace in the ministrations of united devotion and of Christian fellowship.II. To resist the evil world.III. But Paul has a way of setting side by side two superficially contradictory clauses, in order that attention may be awakened, and that we may make an effort to apprehend the point of reconciliation between them. Could we get it all in a small compass, as Job had it (Job 29:11-17), we could put our hands to it with some hope of success. Differently to be admonished are those who are bound in wedlock and those who are free from the ties of wedlock. )Be not wearyC. The reward promised to patient labour. Clay Trumbull The pious Quesnel says that "God, (Bright: Notes on the Canons, pp. It is very important when we hear an exhortation to consider the character of the person who gives it. )The weary well-doersJ. The seasons revolve, and each appears clad in a different garb. For every man shall bear his own burden.'--GAL. Weight, M. Will meet with its reward.1. There is good and solid reason why we should be so admonished. Remember the evil one never gets discouraged or weary.4. Many of the houses are exceedingly grand and are finely intermixed with water and wood; yet are not too close, but so as to be sufficiently ventilated by the air. So, then, two thoughts Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureThe Owner's BrandI bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.'--GAL. Standing at that age in the field one day, he bethought himself of a sermon which he had heard eighty-five years before, and of the fact that when Mr. Flavel had finished the discourse and came to the close of the service, he said, "I shall not pronounce the benediction. We learned from Numbers vi, GOD'S requirements of those who desire to take the privileged position of separation to Himself. Weight, M. vi. God acts not without a plan.3. (2) But we must not exclude man as a responsible and immortal being. Man says here will I rest. Video. "In Due Season we Shall Reap if we Faint Not" (Gal. Be not weary in well-doing.1. I encouraged her to "labour and to wait." "I must work, said Jesus, the works of Him that sent Me while it is day. We find Jacob wrestling with the wondrous angel of God's covenant through the entire night, and prevailing not till the morning began to break. Do he must and will. Kanon, as an ecclesiastical term, has a very interesting history. If we would not grow weary, let us pray for persevering grace. Love may be compared to the rod of myrtle in the traveller's hand, which refresheth him, and keeps him from being weary in his journey. Simple fatigue.2. Strengthens our faith in the power of well-doing.3. Weariness. Well-doing from right motives is the most difficult of all works. For those who are bound in wedlock are to be admonished that, while they take thought for each other's good, they study, both of them, so to please their consorts as not to displease their Maker; that they so conduct the things that are of this world as still not to omit desiring the things that are of God; that they so rejoice in present good as still, with earnest Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatForms Versus Character'Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.' In acceptance with God.V. There is not a single relation we sustain to God, or to each other, but what is fruitful of a variety of these duties. THE ENCOURAGING PROSPECT ANNEXED TO THE CHARGE "For in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Conditions of growth in grace. And surely there is disgrace. My little nephew was out in the garden one evening with his father sowing peas; next morning he took a basket and was going out to gather the crop, and was greatly disappointed when told the peas were not yet grown. THE ENCOURAGING PROSPECT ANNEXED TO THE CHARGE "For in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." And therefore he was content to say, "And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Never did the most plenteous harvest reward the labours of the husbandman more certainly or fully, than the joys and glories of the future world shall reward the faithful, persevering, and diligent disciples of Jesus. And to holy David indeed it might more justly be said, that he ought not to have been angry; no, not with one however ungrateful and rendering evil for good; yet if, as man, anger did steal over him, he ought not to have let it so prevail, that he should swear to do a thing which either by giving way to his rage he should do, or by breaking his oath leave undone. When a Christian first enters upon this work, he thinks that all is easy; that to convert souls is no great difficulty: to draw other minds into the state in which he is, is but simply a pleasant exercise. B. "Be not weary," FOR THE MOTIVES TO CONTINUANCE IN THE RIGHT COURSE ARE AS POWERFUL AS THE MOTIVES TO COMMENCEMENT. It is well-doing. Only by well-doing, not spasmodically and occasionally, but of set intent and purpose. "Be not weary in well-doing," BECAUSE AN UNFINISHED ENTERPRISE, OR A WORK INCOMPLETE THROUGH INCONSTANCY IS BOTH A DISTRESS AND A DISGRACE. A day is hastening on, when works, and not wishes, or projects, will determine your eternal reward. In that day, the least thing done will secure you a revenue of unspeakable glory; whilst the greatest thing talked of and planned only will bring you nought but disappointment and shame.3. Was there any symptom of yielding, of inconstancy there?3. Well-doing is is the broad evidence of the Christian calling. Some are later, too, than others; but the promise is sure, stable as the everlasting hills; sowing the seed, which "is the Word," will naturally produce all its legitimate effects. They started off arm in arm, and were saved. I will shut out the sob of sorrow, the wail of the woe-worn, the sigh of the suffering, the baying and babblement of the crowd; here, spending my sympathies on myself, I will enjoy all that is enjoyable. Could we get it all in a small compass, as Job had it (Job 29:11-17), we could put our hands to it with some hope of success. We learned from Numbers vi, GOD'S requirements of those who desire to take the privileged position of separation to Himself. It was David's prayer, "hold Thou me up and I shall be safe;" and it was Beza's prayer, "Lord, perfect what Thou hast begun in me." The mighty name by which we are called.III. To restrain natural passions and propensities.3. 3. The PROSPECT OF REWARD. The Apostle has been exhorting to unwearied well-doing, on the ground of the certain coming of the harvest season. Paul bore the conditions of Christ on his body. If you say a man is doing well, you mean to say that a man is increasing in his wealth, his influence, or his connections. The sentiment we describe is, moreover, quickened by fellow-feeling with the Saviour of man, who, laying aside the form of God, gave Himself up to sorrow, and suffering, and death, for sin. The reaping time will come.2. Paul was thus content to look forward to the time when he should reap the reward of his labours, The husbandman was first to endure toil, that afterwards he might receive the joy of the harvest.(J. Work on, work ever.(J. (4) The measure in which the sorrow is mixed with sin. To have generous minds.2. An active creature as man is, there is still in him a love of ease, of repose, of luxurious rest. And is it not love, that at this moment we think, and feel, and hear, and see, amidst the enjoyment of the light of the sun, all the means of temporal being, and everything that sweetens life? It may perhaps be thought necessary that some guard be put to the doctrine, lest grace be dishonoured, and the worthless idol of human merit be exalted. Hope breeds patience, and patience breeds perseverance. Think of these three things. In the first place, your duty is, to be engaged "in well-doing;" that is to say, in doing well, in doing good, in doing that which is just and approved in the sight of God. I MUST conclude this Course of Lectures by giving converts instructions on the subject of growth in grace. Unreasonable expectations of an immediate harvest.4. From this post he was called to Central Congregational Church, Brooklyn, with but one exception the largest Congregational Church in the United States. (1)The seed you sow is the truth. Watson.It is a strange sight, to see a busy devil, and an idle Christian.2. . It is very important when we hear an exhortation to consider the character of the person who gives it. Man says here will I rest. If, then, we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk in darkness, that is sin, "we deceive ourselves," says the apostle. The beauty of a thing is when it comes to be finished; the beauty of a picture is, when it is drawn out in its full lineaments, and laid in its orient colours; the beauty of a Christian is, when he hath finished his faith.(T. If left to itself--to the undisturbed development of G. Merry. x. H. Spurgeon.s: I. 9). Do the men of the world even respect a backslider? For, setting apart that power, which he saith himself had not used, which yet that the faithful must serve unto, he enjoins, saying, "Let him that is catechised in the word, communicate unto him that doth catechise him, in all good things:" [2531] St. A second thought which the text suggests is that the Christian vocation comprehends something more than the mere purpose, or project of good. II. The Greek Samuel DavidsonThe Canon of the BibleThe Beautiful HagueWhen we came to the Hague, though we had heard much of it, we were not disappointed. There is infinite goodness in this arrangement, inasmuch as it opens to us one of the richest sources of happiness; for what joy is comparable to that of bringing joy to others?II. The quality of character that Job is known for is the one "In due season, we shall reap if we faint not." They toiled a good while and got nothing. vii. 1. 19. Rhys Jenkins.)WearinessH. A third thought suggested by the view given us in the text of the Christian's vocation is that the believer is endowed, by God, with the capacity for imparting blessing to his fellow-men. He glories in nothing, save in the cross of Christ.Dictionary of Bible ThemesGalatians 6:94464harvest5418monotony5582tiredness5635work, and redemption5883impatience8418endurance8713discouragement9130future, theGalatians 6:6-105603wagesGalatians 6:7-94506seed5499reward, divine8255fruit, spiritualGalatians 6:9-106672grace, in relationships8262generosity, human8442good worksLibrarySeptember 19. HOW TO PREVENT WEARINESS IN WELL-DOING.1. It may forfeit the reward. 2. Constancy and perseverance. AugustineOf the Work of Monks. "Send any one to this work," says Moses, "only send not me." The first principle of stedfast and abounding righteousness is a constant sense of the obligation of the Divine law. One lay down to die; the ether, seeing his awful condition, began to rub, chafe, and rouse him. "We shall reap," and reap in the best time, God's time, "in due season." In that day, the least thing done will secure you a revenue of unspeakable glory; whilst the greatest thing talked of and planned only will bring you nought but disappointment and shame.3. WELL-DOING IMPLIES FIXEDNESS OF WILL AND CHARACTER. (1) And in the first place, we are bound to regard the bodies of our fellow-creatures. "We shall reap," and reap in the best time, God's time, "in due season." Beware of venturing on known sin, especially the sin to which you are most inclined. At length his faith, his patience, and his submission received their rich reward: "behold, a certain man clothed in linen" appeared to him and said. In order to do this 1. First, the rivalry of other workers forbids weariness.1. Will not the love of Christ constrain him?3. )The difficulty of well-doingH. Weariness of mind and of body is common to most men. For every man shall bear his own burden.'--GAL. The absence of variety is painful, and transforms the period over which it extends into a desert a sandy plain; while, were there to be the entire negation of variety, life would be insupportable, and, like solitary confinement would soon become the harbinger of death. R. Reynolds, B. A.Consider the victims of falsehood and idolatry. If we weary in well-doing, we shall be the only recreants from duty. The powerful antidote to the threatening evil "for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." We shall reap the growth effectuated by His Holy Spirit, though we may not always understand the nature of the gracious sheaves that we are bringing in our bosom. On account then of these either occupations of the servants of God, or bodily infirmities, which cannot be altogether wanting, not only doth the Apostle permit the needs of saints to be supplied by good believers, but also most wholesomely exhorteth. Well-doing is an important feature of the Christian character. To be engaged in doing good is to sympathize with the feelings, and to imitate the conduct of all God's saints on earth. . What the injunction "to grow in grace" does not mean. Learn from the devotee of many a false god; from the worshipper of Siva, who, drunk with opium, swings on the flesh-hook at some horrid festival, or prostrates himself before the advancing car of Juggernaut, making this revolting self-sacrifice to pacify the raging of a guilty conscience, or to gain the ephemeral applause of an ignorant mob; even he is not weary with his work.(H. (3)Professing is not doing. One morning a man found the snow all piled up before his door. He could see that his own season might not be God's season. Surely you will not be weary, when your salvation is so much nearer than when you first believed?(W. 13, 15), or a regulative principle of Christian life (Gal. Does any one ask, "Why is this what are its causes?" It was David's prayer, "hold Thou me up and I shall be safe;" and it was Beza's prayer, "Lord, perfect what Thou hast begun in me." It will be objected that, by this way, mysteries will not be made known. "Let us not be Weary in Well-Doing" (Gal. Take heed of those things which will stop the current of tears. THE ENCOURAGING PROSPECT ANNEXED TO THE CHARGE "For in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Then I might urge the exhortation by a reference to the self-discipline which is secured by perseverence especially perseverence in a course of self-denial.4. It is true that in old times criminals, and certain classes of Temple servants, and sometimes soldiers, were also so marked, but it is most in accordance with the Apostle's way of thinking that he here has reference to the first class, and would represent himself as the slave of Jesus Christ, Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureBurden-Bearing'Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. "I bear in my body," Jeanne Marie BouviresA Short Method Of Prayer And Spiritual TorrentsTranslator's Introductory Notice. 19. Love is the sovereign attribute of God in relation to man. By well-doing here we are to understand, in general, the duties we owe to God, our neighbour, and ourselves. But we have reason to apprehend that we are weary in well-doing. See Westcott's account of it, On the New Testament Canon, p. 498 ff. HOW TO PREVENT WEARINESS IN WELL-DOING.1. The seasons revolve, and each appears clad in a different garb. The reference in these words is probably to the cruel custom of branding slaves as we do cattle, with initials or signs, to show their ownership. I grant you that large results are often given. The love of sin makes sin taste sweet and this sweetness in sin bewitches the Thomas WatsonThe Beatitudes: An Exposition of Matthew 5:1-12Introductory. As, when God called Moses to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt, he said "O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore nor since Thou hast spoken unto Thy servant, but I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue;" just so does a Sunday School teacher often speak. If it be a true and an approved maxim in common things to be ever active in laudable pursuits is the distinguishing characteristic of a man of merit in a high and peculiar sense may it be asserted of real Christians, that they "cease from evil, and learn to do well."II. "In Due Season we Shall Reap if we Faint Not" (Gal. When it comes it will abundantly repay us.The present reward is (1)The conversion of the children. Oh I to hear my Master "say in that day, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" But this, instead of discouraging us, should only make us cling closer to Him.3. A. Early pastoral experiences.III. Hope animates the spirits: it is to the soul as cork to the net, which keeps it from sinking. Go and do likewise. vi. iii. vi. It is very important when we hear an exhortation to consider the character of the person who gives it. And this supposes that we have been converted from the evil of our ways, for we cannot do well in the ways of depravity and practical evil.2. I can hardly wonder that the best stand appalled before the mass of the misery and sin of society. And this brings me to the second thought suggested by this part of our text, namely: That the reward connected with the fulfilment of the Christian vocation awaits its bestowment at an appropriate period. First, that the fulfilment of the Christian vocation is connected with certain reward in the future. Patience, industry, and perseverance: are the three great elements of success in life. THE MOTIVE. Is there any pause in the intercession of the Son? We shall reap the growth effectuated by His Holy Spirit, though we may not always understand the nature of the gracious sheaves that we are bringing in our bosom. It has learnt from Christ the lesson, caught the habit. "In due season, we shall reap if we faint not." We found also in the conclusion of the same chapter the overflow of GOD'S love in the rich and comprehensive blessing which so appropriately follows, and forms the connecting link between Nazarite separation and the princely service set forth in Chap. I will make my home in these pleasant surroundings. THE CHRISTIAN MAN'S VOCATION IN THE PRESENT WORLD, II, THE MOTIVE TO PERSEVERANCE IN IT, ARISING FROM THE ASSURANCE OF FINAL REWARD.I. "Brethren, the time is short." Love may be compared to the rod of myrtle in the traveller's hand, which refresheth him, and keeps him from being weary in his journey. A MOTIVE TO WELL-DOING. The insidious character of our temptations to weariness.IV. 9. I reply something is to be attributed in this tendency to the love which the human mind has for novelty. 18. Observe the spirit by which those. And, on the other hand, no man can set himself to do good to others without receiving good himself. SOME PLACES WHERE WE ARE LIABLE TO GROW WEARY.1. The Church is His body; His eye to see, His voice to cheer, His hand to lift and to heal the weakness and the misery of mankind. The love of sin makes sin taste sweet and this sweetness in sin bewitches the Thomas WatsonThe Beatitudes: An Exposition of Matthew 5:1-12Introductory. In every duty done for God, grace calls to the work, aids in the discharge of it, makes meet for and finally bestows the promised inheritance.2. Another cause of this weariness is the want of success.5. The confession of time will be the ascription of all eternity: "By the grace of God I am what I am!" YOU WILL MEET WITH EVILS IN YOUR SERVICE, AND BE LIABLE TO WEARINESS AND FAINTNESS.1. H. Watson. Macknight, D. D.1. Having, then, assumed this, that we have learned to care for our own souls, and to regard our own immortal interests, the next point to be considered is, that we are bound to engage in "well-doing" for our fellow-creatures; for it is especially to this that the text refers. H. BeibitzGloria Crucis21ST DAY. Smyth. 14. vii,--one of the longest in the Bible, and one full of repetition. The confession of time will be the ascription of all eternity: "By the grace of God I am what I am!" The great controversy which embittered so much of Paul's life, and marred so much of his activity, turned upon the question whether a heathen man could come Alexander MaclarenRomans, Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. Believer! Sunday-school teachers may appropriate this.3. It dishonours Christ.(St. Christians are the pledged disciples of the Great Worker in this field of holy exertion. And difficulties always rouse a generous mind. Now mark, brethren, what the text says, "Let us not be weary in well-doing." "Be not weary in well-doing," BECAUSE AN UNFINISHED ENTERPRISE, OR A WORK INCOMPLETE THROUGH INCONSTANCY IS BOTH A DISTRESS AND A DISGRACE. Another cause of this weariness is the want of success. "In due season we shall reap if we faint not" (Gal. .'--GAL. 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