New Hope Community Pastor Bob Briggs June 20, 2004 O Lord, listen and act! Real When The apostle mentions his fellow ministers, in part, to show how important relational dynamics are in the exercise of Christian authority. The early Christians were happy and zealous - Acts 2:46, 47. (1). They might not make a great deal of sense to someone else, for which I apologise. In this political season, when clergy of all stripes rush to support their preferred candidates, its important to remember 2 Chronicles 7:14 was not written to the Democrats or the Republicans. As we rush headlong toward the return of Christ, we should expect to see exactly what is happening today: False Christs. read more, Scripture: But I added this, Not all my prayers have been answered yet!! God will surely speak to us through His Word. It is true of a church that has undergone revival. In Jonah chapter three, we read a story of revival. When In Jonah, chapter one, we read a story of rebellion. He cried out because he realized that we have sinned and deserve the wrath of Almighty God. 5. we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments. It was for this that Habakkuk prayed. That is a powerful sign that they had become right with God. In the book of .read more. When we understand that, it changes the way we look at life, it changes the way we evaluate ourselves, and it changes the way we treat other people. But when all is said and done, our greatest need is not political; our greatest need is spiritual. Then the following week I preached a sermon on ten world- changing ways to pray. -Have you ever thought, 'I ought to do this or that' only to forget all about it? C. I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn. To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against Him. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. He served as the ministrys national director for 35 years. John 11:44-12:11. I know I do. But do we really want to hear Him? *Jack Schofield was leading music for that revival. A minister once said 1. There is a time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, a time to reap, a time to build up, a time to tear down. ? Ajith Fernando is the teaching director of Youth for Christ in Sri Lanka. Surely we can trust Jesus to give us both His salvation, and the revival we need. Most people that heard Peters message were cut into their hearts and asked, Brothers what must we do? (Acts 2:37), B. Morning Worship Sermon Notes: Why the Lord is my Shepherd? Acts 3:19. 8. You can connect to Gods reviving Spirit wherever you are, but we need to be stirred to pray once more for God to revive his Church. Christians compromising their faith. And He's not through yet! The answer wont come from the White House. *Today, as much as ever before, we need to be rescued from the influence and the consequence of sin. One way or another, all of our problems go back to sin: People stubbornly rejecting the God of the Bible and His righteous ways. Christians are discouraged. I am really excited about this series and I have been looking forward to this fo, If you're looking for more sermon ideas on evangelism, be sure to head over to to find 100's of sermons on evangelism to help you out! If a man has a history of fornication, is he disqualified from the office of pastor or can he still be considered the husband of one wife. Whatever your wicked ways are, revival means turning from those ways to the ways that Please God. And he did. It is an act of the sovereign God, and we cant dictate what he should do and when he should do it. When God's power is unleashed in and through ordinary people, it awakens the hunger for God in others. *This Psalmist cried out to the Lord with a passionate, heartfelt prayer. Selah. (3). Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. He knows what we say behind closed doors, the secret thoughts no one else can hear, the hidden motives, the buried ambition, and all the twists and turns of our sinful nature. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. It encompasses the resurfacing of a love for God, an appreciation of God's holiness, a passion for His Word and His church, a convicting awareness of personal and corporate sin, a spirit of humility, and a desire for repentance . I grew up in a church tradition that emphasized revival meetings, usually week-long gatherings where a visiting minister would challenge us spiritually. People become aware of spiritual things as they never were before. *The only books on religion at his local library were atheistic. This is not a blanket invitation that applies to anyone, anywhere, at any time. *The Psalmist first looked back at God's greatness. If you think about it, these four conditions form a kind of progression: You will never pray with any fervency until you see your true condition before God. Neither have we heeded Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your name to our kings and our princes, to our fathers and all the people of the land. Nehemiah 6: 3 I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you? Thats what Jesus means when he asks, When the Son of Man comes,will he find faith on the earth?. Mordecai Ham was also the preacher in that revival, and many people were saved. Help your congregation see the need to return to the Lord with repentance and humility, and watch as God restores His people and glorifies His name. As you well know, our Fall Revival begins in a few weeks, and this mornings sermon is Let's look at the oft criticized message of God's prophets and the blessing that prophets bring. We must repent. Our sadness is not in vain. Acts 2, Nehemiah 9, Denomination: Watch Bill Johnson Easter Sermon - The Great Communion Revival. After the revival at Asbury College and Seminary in 1971, many students came to the bookstore to return things that they had taken without paying. Perhaps it will come in our day. David did the same thing when He was about to face the giant Goliath. Before that night, he never dreamed that God could care for him. Nehemiah 2:11-20, Denomination: Some people say "A Troubled World Needs a Church in Revival", this may be true, but I think "A Church in Revival Needs a Troubled World"!!! I dont have any secret information about the date of the Lords return. O Lord, hear! They were in despair and needed a place to live. I certainly hope so. That man was so overjoyed by the love and mercy of God that he stood up & shouted: "Saved! I. -When the fire has gone out in our hearts, our marriages, and the church. A CHURCH TO CHANGE THE WORLD " Revival is a purely philosophical, commonsense result of the wise use of divinely appointed means, just the same as water will put out a fire; the same as food will appease your hunger; just the same as water will slake your thirst; it is a philosophical commonsense . Lets consider what it says under three headings. It breaks forth from intercessory prayer and continues when people repent and no longer tolerate sin in their lives. I have entitled our message for this morning, Experiencing Revival Fire. The sermon title is partially inspired by a book called Revival Fire, authored by the great 1800s revivalist named Charles Finney. Remove all defilement from the sanctuary. -"Have you known the agony of not doing the right thing? announcement could the average pastor make to his people next Sunday that would create less The answer is always the same. 2021 Im simply giving my observation on the basis of what the Bible says about the last days. The greatest need is for spiritual revival, for a fresh infusion of divine life into the Church, for an awakening in the lives of God 's people and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Let us examine his prayer:-. read more, Scripture: 5. INTRODUCTION If youre looking for more sermon ideas on revival, be sure to head over to to find 100s of sermons on revival to help you out! The word "revival" is from the Hebrew word chayah and means "to bring back to life," to "restore to consciousness," or to "restore to a previous condition." We might say, "The drowning victim was miraculously revived." As used in the Bible, it means a restoration, rejuvenation, or renewal of interest after spiritual neglect, oblivion, or obscurity. Let's face it: Our lives are beyond our control. Then in vs. 4-7 he began to look around his world, and look within his own heart. Revival Is For The Redeemed Ezekiel 37:1-14; John 1:1-18 . Denomination: Church Of God. Help your congregation see the need to return to the Lord with repentance and humility, and watch as God restores His people and glorifies His name. Let me add one final thought. Revival means many things to many people. He will answer in his own time, in his own way, according to his own will. *Two of those prayer meetings were held on Frank Graham's dairy farm. But on one pointthe only one that countsthere is no difference. A. I believe we are living in the last days before the coming of the Lord. Im all for speaking out and taking a stand. The problem is our own sin. Next Sunday night we will be starting our revival. Then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land (v. 14c). We need true, spiritual revival all over our nation. -Have you ever thought, 'At least I'm not like that guy down the street'? What great things happened after that! *BUT THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE THINK THAT THEY WILL HAVE REVIVAL, BUT THEY WILL Revival is a purely philosophical, commonsense result of the wise use of divinely appointed means, just the same as water will put out a fire; the same as food will appease, Over the last few weeks Jason has brought a wonderful series of messages on Sunday evenings entitled Downpour. During his teen years, Vse began to struggle with many spiritual questions. INTRODUCTION Please read and accept our website Terms and Privacy Policy to post a comment. Can trials and tribulations be forecasters of a soon-coming revival? I have been praying for revival in Sri Lanka since 1975. Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : Revival (Section 5) Hindrances To Revivals (From Charles Finneys Lectures), Revivals In Haggai, Zechariah And Malachi, Sermon - How To Define Revival And Be Revived Personally, "Jonah, Chapter Three: A Story Of Revival, Mapping 'fault Lines' In America - Micah 3, 5 Ways To Grow Your Church's Congregation, My Sermon With A Little Bit Of Bible Thrown In. But we also need to remember that, after some time, these phenomena can become rituals that have lost their original meaning. God's salvation is near to anyone who will turn to Him in humble reverence. Let's ask God to do it again! A SPIRITUAL REVIVAL - A NEW YEAR'S SERMON Habakkuk 3:2, 17-19 INTRODUCTION: 1. Then he had them consecrate themselves and the temple (29:3-5). Without help, we often will fail to do the right thing." It is the sincere prayer of a person who realizes his true condition. What must it have felt like to be revived, only to know that you will die again? It would be a great encouragement to me and a contribution to the edification of the Church. 1)THE Revival Is For The Redeemed *That fear he talked about in vs. 9 is the right kind of fear: Giving humble reverence to Almighty God. We need to be open to Gods surprising works and be careful about stifling them. Although many answers might be given, perhaps the simplest is that humility means seeing my true condition before God. Thus begins the sermon I have shared my notes almost exactly as I preached from them. They might not make a great deal of sense to someone else, for which I apologise. Text: 2 Chron.7: 14 The Bible speaks of the urgency of believers being united (John 17:21, 23; Ephesians 4:13). Its one thing to talk about what stands between our nation and revival or between my church and revival. Bishop Festo left room for the Spirit to do his work. Prophecies of judgment upon Judah and Jerusalem I say that so youll know Im not speaking against revival meetings. Not at all. We can make sure the answer is yes. Once you were angry most of the day, but now you have turned away from anger. When the Communists told him there was no God, he began to doubt them. Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment for all of our sins. 4. Some people collect stamps, knives, guns, butterflies, etc. My notes say I had just talked with someone whose marriage was in trouble because of an enslaving habit. Where could this truth meet together with the mercy we desperately need from God? Guidance is more vivid. Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God. Once, when Ugandan Bishop Festo Kivengere was preaching in South India, his interpreter, Samuel Ganesh, felt convicted of the need to make peace with a person in the audience. How so, you may ask. [2] The sermon reflects on the phenomenon of revival, and it presents Spurgeon's convictions about the work of God. Revival awakens the saved from a state of spiritual slumber. *One evening, two teenage boys walked into the open tent door. Pentecostal. Then the following week I preached a sermon on ten world- changing ways to pray. This past Sunday I preached on revival. C. Disobedience and disunity are the crown foes of revival. Lesson Intro But that rescue was almost always needed because of sin. Today, as we turn our attention to chapter three of the book of Jonah, we find a story of revival. !, As we journey along through life, there will always be some prayers that havent been answered yet. All Rights Reserved. It was filled with Bible verses, and he copied every one of them by hand. I'll find you a couple of seats." In vs. 8 he declared: "I will hear what God the Lord will speak, For He will speak peace to His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to folly.". Probably the greatest move of God Ive been part of happened during a youth revival in May 1970. Huldah shoots straight by telling the messengers what the Lord says (34:23). The Holy Spirit can use a leaders yearning to trigger revival. Will You prolong Your anger to all generations? Real We must not dictate to the Lord about how the answer from heaven will come. This is all to the good. You can download the audio at This message deals with the origin of revival, who may experience it, and the outcome of revival upon God's people. It is true that between the richest man and the poorest man there is a great gulf in terms of worldly possessions. We can hope that He will send revival to our souls, our families, and our nation. B. When it happens to the church, it is almost like a repetition of the day of Pentecost. Sermon Series: How to discern Gods will. Today, I Toward that end, I request you use your full name when commenting. Will God speak to us? So we sing and we pray, "Revive us again, Lord! O Lord, forgive! (4). This passage takes us to the home in Bethany where Jesus loved to be. Psalm 51:1-13, Denomination: 2 Chronicles 7:14. When I understand everything I have comes as a gift from God, my prayers will be filled with gratitude, love and praise. Hallelujah thine the glory -When we do not love Jesus as we once did. In a world where truth has become entirely subjective, where feelings trump biblical commands, where we reinterpret the Bible to justify our sin, Jesus poignant question takes on a deeper meaning: Will he find faith in your church? This isnt a parable about the second coming. Show us Your mercy, O Lord, And grant us Your salvation. Yet, it speaks of a topic that is also among the least understood and most misunderstood truths of Gods Word. read more, Scripture: He is the author of eighteen books, including. Once you were sloppy on the job when the boss wasnt watching, but not anymore. If you ask in sincerity, God will surely answer. Revival begins when people turn to God. People go like tourists to such places to see what is happening. We wont base our self-image on our net worth when we believe God isnt impressed with our bank account. Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas. Revival - It comes from the root word revive which means to recover that which was lost, to repair that which was broken and to restore that which was taken. But what does that mean? (John Wesley), A. Revival is renewal, restoration - a fresh inflow of the life, love and power of God. read more, Scripture: I mean the other other side. To them the invitation system was an innovation along with Finney's other "New Measures." -When we seldom think thoughts of eternity. Can our enthusiasm be revived? But when he prayed in Daniel 9, the prophet was very aware of his sin. Sermon Notes: Healing a Paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda, Powerful Bible Verses to Help You in Tough Times, Fathers Day Sermon: Qualities of a Godly Father, Easter Sermon 2012: The Reality of the Resurrection. -When we would rather make money than give money. Later this year a number of ministries are planning different events to call the church to prayer. read more, Scripture: As a nation, we have turned away from the Lord. (5). Revive us again Lord, because no one can help us like You. He looked back and began to praise God: 1. People faint and then, when help is brought, they revive. B. -- Only on the cross of Jesus Christ! Neither man has anything to boast about. The call of Christ is always personal. So that we will be able to catch the fullness of the upcoming revival. So I end where I began. On our own we cannot keep on doing all that we should do. 12. Where could God's unreachable righteousness draw close enough to kiss us with everlasting peace? Our sermon ideas on Revival will help you preach a powerful message relating to this important topic found in the Scriptures. The weak strong man. Begin, I pray thee, with me. Revival begins with the person you see when you look in the mirror. It has to do with the sickness and death of Lazarus, and his resurrect, Somebody asks: "What is a revival? " Our burden is not in vain. -Have you consoled yourself about your failures and shortcomings by making a list of the obviously huge sins of others? We need revival over and over again. -Have you fallen into the trap of comparing yourself to others? They are ?callous, unbelieving -When we know the truth in our heads that we are not practicing in our lives. In this sermon on the Holy Spirit in Revival from Genesis 26:17-18, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones answers that a revival is a work of the Holy Spirit wherein He moves amongst God's people and unbelievers. There are many events in recent church history that have been called a revival, but not all of them were genuine revivals. This triggered a process of person after person making peace with each other. %PDF-1.7 % But during that service, he was touched by the good news about Jesus Christ. Can we walk with God? The Greatest Need Of The Church, Is Revival. Definitions: Revival is always extraordinary. Preach a sermon or series on revival with help from these sermon outlines. Many of the great revivals were preceded by united, persevering prayer by people who shared a similar burden for revival. *Vsevolod Lytkin really wanted to hear from God. - We think it's out there-they are the problem. A month ago I preached to you that our church could change the world by greater faith and vision. But they often quoted verses from the Bible to mock or refute them. 85:1-6 If we do our part, though it will seem very incomplete, God will certainly do his. Its always easier to confess someone elses sins. But the answer to our nations problems is My . We can look back at the great things God has done in our own lives. How will we ever find our way back to God? Morning Worship The outpouring of the Holy Spirit was Gods way of reviving them. I believe those end-time prayers will have great power with the Lord because they are offered in the face of persecution, ridicule, and rising unbelief. Guns, butterflies, etc rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and judgments! Was leading music for that revival, but now you have turned away from.. Precepts and Your judgments prayer meetings were held on Frank Graham 's dairy farm ( v. 14c ) our! Right thing. be filled with Bible verses, and many people were saved thing! What is happening today: False Christs but during that service, he was touched by the news... This important topic found in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives by making list! 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