Why don't you take a closer look? In silencing talk of conflict, Ba Sing Se remains a peaceful, orderly utopia. I was actually going to wait to fight the Fire Lord until after it came. Sokka: IT'd be nice if your Avatar powers could be a little more specific from time to time. Sokka: We'll figure something out. Many have tried to break through it. The Earth King: Perhaps you're right. [he draws straight lines separating the four symbols] Understanding others, the other elements, the other nations, will help you become whole. It seems so silly. It's the impenetrable city. Come back! Princess Yue: I do like you, a lot. See ya. Aang: I don't know. Princess Yue: No Sokka. Aang: You guys go ahead. Ying: We made it to Ba Sing Se, and we're still not safe. In my vision, I just knew she needed help. People have been disappearing in those woods you were camping in. First of all, Jin Wei and Wei Jin weren't enemies, they were brothers, twins in fact and they were eight and most importantly, they were just playing a game! But in his eyes, you are a failure, and a disgrace to the Fire Nation. Uncle Iroh: Sick of tea? [Zhao enters the room behind Iroh]. She was adaptive, and willing to admit her own mistakes, as she believed that she had been wrong to not help Mingxia petition for the island to open its borders. Uncle Iroh: [Zuko works hard to contain his anger, ultimately releasing a gout of flame from his mouth the licks over the ceiling. It's real! Sokka: Boring stuff I'm sure. Earth. Aang: He wasn't home. Ty Lee: Maybe that's why it was so easy to beat the Kyoshi Warriors and take their clothes. The invasion's tomorrow. The people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse and strong. Zuko: Sokka told me the story of what happened. Bumi: So, what about you guys? That's like being sick of *breathing*! That's enough. Katara: [to Toph] I'm just saying, maybe if you helped out earlier we could've set up our camp faster and gotten some sleep and then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation! Uncle Iroh: We have no idea where the Avatar is. King Bumi: Yes. Katara: Sokka, wait! Ty Lee: The universe is giving me strong hints that it's time for a career change. It was stupid and dangerous. I think it was meant to be. You're the little Water Tribe girl. I don't get to meet too many spirits but the ones that I do meet, not very attractive. Music Teacher: No, child. They know what's at stake. I know you can't really talk. Guru Pathik: Oh dear, you've been through so much recently. Some days later, Sokka and Suki were glad to find Toph, as they had not been able to find her. Sokka: Well, if you can't earthbend me out of here, go get Toph. Colonel Mongke: We're not here to give a concert. But fire will spread and destroy everything in it's path if one does not have the will to control it! We can't think of a single person to do the job. Aang: Okay, so what do we do? Katara: It's not magic. And the Royal Palace is heavily guarded by firebenders. Forget it! The others pass him] Curse! The Kyoshi Warrior approached and asked how she was feeling. [Points toward a vast wall that fills the distant horizon] Now it's nothing but smooth sailing to Ba Sing Se. Mai. What if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father? Prince Zuko: [Walking away] I'm going to bed. Before the war started, I used to always visit my friend, Kuzon. They don't see our greatness. Here. We follow what he says, and things always turn out okay. Uncle Iroh: [to Zhao] The Fire Nation needs the moon, too. We can't just leave him here. It really feels just like old times again, doesn't it? Not at all. Sokka: He's the Avatar. Toph: I think I liked "the man with a sword for a hand" better. Aang: Please, I have to learn. Jet: You know, as soon as I saw your scar, I knew exactly who you were You're an outcast like me. Air. Uncle Iroh: Really Prince Zuko, couldn't you shoot them down with something more fragrant. Guru Pathik: No, Aang! Professor Zei: This library is more valuable than gold, little lady. [Everyone has a confused look on their face in reaction to Joo Dee's odd statement] . Uncle Iroh: Very well. [4] She was eventually defeated and captured by Azula and her allies.[20]. Azula: [she covers her eye with her hand, mocking Zuko], Azula: "I must find the Avatar to restore my honor.". Aang: That's it! Sokka: Suit yourself. She began to picture all her accomplishments with her Kyoshi Warrior sisters, but found herself back in her cell, with nobody left to support her. I just saw you. You never learned anything, and frankly, it's a little too late now. But they pretty much won the war when they took Ba Sing Se. I mean, we're refugees too! I might as well just throw our schedule away now. Sokka: [sarcastically, as they are taking off on Appa] Yeah, this makes a alot of sense. Suki grabs him by the throat then shoves him against the far wall, knocking his helmet off]. This is my fight. But we don't do that here, Aang: Sure you do! Bumi: Oh well, so long as they have each other. Aang: No, I mean I really knew them. What do you plan to do now that you've found the avatar's bison? Well then what kind of people are you? Prince Zuko: Why are you teaching me these things? Superior: The beast was using the scent of a necklace to follow you. The sun is behind the moon. Toph Beifong: This doesn't make any sense. [Suki, Hakoda and Chit Sang emerge from the war balloon]. I'm dyiiiing Guard: Wait, I think I've heard of pentapox. Katara: Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader? Like we're all trying to save the world from evil. That's his way back into the physical world. Sokka: [after Toph has defeated the ships crew] Good work, Toph. If we don't help him, no one will. And nobody's really good at that. [Sokka throws his boomerang at a canyon crawler then the crawler starts going after Sokka] Okay, now we gotta help me! Aang: Don't listen to him! Prince Zuko: I am so, so sorry, Uncle. It's been almost an hour, and you haven't given the men an order. Piandao: The way of the sword doesn't belong to any one nation. Katara: Sokka, we're safe. You were our fearless leader in the Battle of Garsai. Jeong Jeong: That title will not help you against the Avatar. Aang: [Runs up to Sokka] Sokka, what should we do? It's just not my life. But are you sure this is really the best way to teach Aang earthbending. Grandfather of Lu Ten, now passed. You're not that little goofy kid I found in the iceberg anymore. Katara: [Watching a meteor shower] Wow. Fire Lord Ozai: You are right, I do have the power. [Wan Shi Tong as he stares in silence]. Seems to me she has quite a little crush on you. I only had a few days to get to know him, but he was smart, and brave and funny. Prince Zuko: That's another thing. Fisherman: You're friends ain't too polite, are they? Toph Beifong: [Teasing] I can tell you're lying. [to Aang, Katara and Toph] You get more for your money that way. Aang: No. The mines are filled with skunk-fish and seaweed. Zhao: You can't compete with me. Katara: OH! Aang: Everything's going to be different after today, isn't it? You became the traitor when you stopped protecting innocent people. Xin Fu: [to Toph] Quit your banging. A great memorable quote from the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie on Quotes.net - Suki: Spit it out. Aang: [Cheerily] Name's Bonzu Pipinpadaloxicopolis the Third! I could sit here and complain how our mom liked Zuko more than me, but I don't really care. Katara: That's why it's so hard for you to get this. That was just public speaking. Aang: [to Zuko] You know what the worst part about being born over a hundred years ago is: I miss all the friends I used to hang out with. Let's bring the guy who's constantly trying to kill us! I can't see you anymore. No disturbances. Maybe I can give it back. The next day, she met up with Sokka, who had also traveled to the palace with Aang and Katara upon Zuko's inquiry. She also helped train Giya in self-defense, as well as teaching chi-blocking to the nonbenders of the Cranefish Town police force. [Momo chitters] I'm going to pretend I didn't pretend to hear that. And we have to get you out of here! Does anyone want to sit in the dirt and eat cave hoppers? Prince Zuko: Does that mean we won the war? Sokka: I just wanted to say: good effort out there today, Team Avatar. Avatar Roku: When love is real, it finds a way And being the Avatar doesn't hurt your chances with the ladies either. We had my dad's political career to think about. She's part of our town's lore. There's a whole nation of firebenders who *hate* you. You're directing all your energy to fight the Fire Nation, but you're outnumbered. Commander Zhao: Oh, don't worry. I know who I am. You get a muscley version of yourself taking down 10 bad guys at a time and making sassy remarks. Dock: Oh, you must be talking about my brothers Dock and Shoe. Jet: Because they don't understand the demands of war. I'd forgotten who I was. Aang: I can't believe we forgot Toph can't write. You feel so powerful holding so much energy in your body. I might not look it, but I'm 112 years old. Those are enemy birds! We shouldn't go to the market. Aang: It was an accident. Not now. And us outcasts, we have to stick together. Aang: It's like every time I think about how stressed I am, I just end up more stressed. [6], Suki chose to remain with the core group in the Fire Nation when Azula's attack split them up. Well let's go right now! Aang: It's coming from over there! The two lovers learned earthbending from the badger moles. Toph Beifong: Hey, I only cheated because he was cheating. She was an impressive hand-to-hand combatant, holding her own against other skilled fighters such as Ty Lee and readily avoiding her disabling pressure point strikes. I can do whatever I want! My brother Dock. But fire is a horrible burden to bear. Prince Zuko: No, you don't! Bureaucrat: Oh, the Golden Seal of the Flying Boar. We got the King on our side. Suki: Nope. Katara: Uh, no. I'm angrier than ever, and I don't know why! Imagine if you lost your arrow, or if Katara lost her [tries to think of something] hair loopies. How can you be so infuriating? Oh, but you still believe in them. Avatar Quotes. The breath becomes energy in the body. I saw you get so upset, you weren't you anymore. So who's banished? Suki called the play horrible and never referred to it again in the series.[23]. Young people must have rigid discipline and order. Mingxia then proceeded to take a pan of steamed buns from the village communal kitchen, but Oyaji approached the group, asking the girls about the missing buns. Sokka: [after loosing his boomerang] I feel like I've lost part of my identity. And he's lost his bison. Aang: There seems to be a lot of confusion about what happened. You do dances here in the homeland, right? [She grabs a bunch of hair from Appa's side and opens her palm to let it blow away in the breeze] He's leaving a trail everywhere we go! Prince Zuko: The Avatar is here in Ba Sing Se. It's a celestial calender, just like the fire sages have in their temples. Young Roku: [Firmly] No. That's why we're looking for him. Fun. Katara and Suki later discussed the possibility of the latter teaching the factory's nonbender guards to chi-block. Aang: Um, and what exactly do you think this will accomplish? Azula: Oh yes, he is. She knows she can't take us both, so she's trying to separate us. Maybe that's because he remembers the whole thing. Last but not least is a final quote from the exiled prince turned ally Zuko of Fire Nation. Toph Beifong: You're sure that's the best way to go? But you have always followed your own path. You have no idea what this war has put me through. Or what are you going to do? Or this tree? Princess Yue: Maybe they'll give you the wisdom to win this battle! Aang: [Wipes the mark off his forehead] I can't. But only when the sunlight hits it at just the right angle on the solstice. You're the Avatar, ain't ya? Katara: You might have everyone else here buying your transformation but you and I both know you've struggled with doing the right thing in the past. It's kind of hard to miss him! Momo: You, my friend, are just a few plumbs short of a fruit pie. Firebender Soldier: That *was* the Captain you just threw overboard. So twisted up inside. Classic! No home. After discovering how well her team bonded with Ty Lee while in prison, Suki allowed her to join them. Earth KingdomKyoshi WarriorsTeam Avatar You know we're going the wrong way, right? Ursa: What a shame. I remember you now. [Opens the door and they find Azula sitting on the throne]. Aang: May your firebending comes from rage. I didn't just get hurt, did I? That's right! My brother is not the understanding type. You were doing it to protect me. It is precise and deadly like Azula. I'm just a little nervous. If only I could have helped you. [Toph forcfully removes the bottom of her shoe, striking Sokka in the process] Finally, a stylish shoe for the blind earthbender. ", Ozai: I am the Phoneix King! However, as she sat down in her cell, she was surprised to find a sprig of dumpling weed growing through the floor under her bed. Prince Zuko: You can't sacrifice an entire division like that! Suki and Toph were genuinely concerned for Aang during the battle at Wulong Forest against Phoenix King Ozai. You're gonna meet a great guy who's gonna completely fall for you. Meng: [Nervously playing with her fingers] I've kind of been stalking you heh! I won't let myself fail again! Uncle Iroh: We have a chance for a new life here. [Glues a poster with the picture to the wall]. Web. Professor Zei: [Begins measuring Aang's skull with a pair of calipers and speaking excitedly] Oh, splendid! Guard: [as Sokka moves towards them, the guards hurry away] We'd better go wash our hands and burn our clothes! Suki apologized for not supporting Mingxia before, but her friend said that it was all right, and introduced her to her friends Dandan, Fenfang, and Peng, as well as her girlfriend Meilin. Then we went over to the Southern Air Temple where Aang used to live and then we met Suki, who is a Kyoshi warrior.She made me dress like a woman and then she kissed me. Aang: [to Katara] Aren't airbender stories the best? They're caught out at sea. You've managed to invent a worse way of travel than flying. Young Sozin: Our nation is enjoying an unprecedented time of peace and wealth. And I'm really, really good at it. Katara: Oh no! [holding up wanted poster of Toph]. Toph: One of the good things about being blind is that I don't have to waste my time worrying about appearances. Sokka: What's a Guru? [the Headmaster and his entourage enter the cave, and the dancing grinds to a halt. You've come hundreds of miles from your little village where your the best swordsman in town. Sokka: [drops from the ceiling and knocks him out with a heavy book] That's called Sokka Style! I always thought this scar marked me. As soon as someone got the ball from one goal to the other everyone would yell, "redemption!" Because of your legacy, you alone can cleanse the sins of our family, and the Fire Nation. Ty Lee: Yes. But when have I ever been? What an amazing lie that was. Aang: I've got a lot more skills to refine if I'm going to fight Ozai. Uncle Iroh: I always tried to tell you that Pai Sho is more than just a game. Sokka: The journey was long and annoying, but now you get to see what it's really about - the destination. Nonetheless, you're forewarned. She showed great concern for Zuko when he entered the cell, and was quick to help the Fire Lord when his sister attacked him. It was revealed that Sokka never told Suki the whole story about Yue. Sokka: Aang, this feuding tribe stuff is serious business. Katara: [pull out the amulet] This water from the spirit oasis at the North Pole. This is nothing more than a construction project. [He turns to leave] Wait! We've already got some third-eyed freak after us. Uncle Iroh: These are pakui berries, known to cure the poison of the white jade plant. Uncle Iroh: Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname "Dragon of the West?". Uncle Iroh: Somehow that's not so surprising. Toph Beifong: You're blaming me for this? It's so hot Momo is is shedding like Appa! These pools are like our charkas. [At this moment Momo jumps onto Zhao's head and starts pulling at his face and chittering] Huh! 10 Suki By Hannah Alexander. [2], As she was the eldest Kyoshi Warrior of her village, Suki was in charge of training the younger warriors. I feel the vibration in the ground with my feet, [picks up a handful of sand and lets it sift through her fingers] but this sand is so loose and shifty, it makes everything look fuzzy. Sokka's Actor: [they kiss] Wait, did you have pickled fish for dinner? But unfortunately, there won't be a show tomorrow. You don't know what it's like, Sokka. Avatar Roku: It's good to see you, Aang. You can't use it to hurt or threaten anyone else ever again. I'm back home now; my dad talks to me. And then I'll show you to your new home here. The four nations are meant to be just that: four. Ty Lee: [Zuko throws a family painting into the fire] What are you doing? Prince Zuko: Who are you yelling to? Hearing Ru's belief that she should be locked up along with her mother and sister, Suki rebuffed the statement as she had stood up against them when it counted the most. Aang: [Stuck with some sort of glue-like goo] I can't move. Katara: [about Aang] Then he's gotta be somewhere on Ember Island. Prince Zuko: I'm not worried about her. We're all aware of the story. [Drawing the Earth Kingdom symbol], Uncle Iroh: Earth is the element of substance. You know, when I was attacking you? Sokka: [to Aang] So some people don't like you. Guru Pathik: Third is the Fire chakra, located in the stomach. Uncle Iroh: Maybe it should be a proverb. Aang: But what about when the tree showed me where Appa and Momo were? And there were dire consequences. Didn't Azula take you captive? Aang: [In a dream] Your days of tyranny are over Fire Lord. You're the Avatar. We need some intelligence. He's our leader. Ty Lee: Princess Azula promised we would go back to the Fire Nation as soon as we captured the Avatar. Azula: My father asked you to come here and talk to me, didn't he? In my dream, your hair got caught in a train, and Katara: [Cutting him off] Aang, I know you're just trying to help. Aang: This is *exactly* why I didn't want you to come. Commander Zhao: You can't compete with me. Katara: I can for Aang's sake. Uncle Iroh: Oh yeah, good point! Sokka: [in a courtyard, Sokka runs out of a building to where everyone else is sitting] You guys are not going to believe this. It's Sparky Sparky Boom Man! Toph: Do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime? Aang: All this time, I thought firebending was destruction. Toph Beifong: And frankly, your earthbending could still use some work. But other than that the festival went off without a hitch. Sokka: [Trying to give Aang advice on girls] The number one mistake nice guys like you make: being too nice. Prince Zuko: You're wrong. Toph Beifong: [on a ship, in midst of battle, blind] How we doin'? Sokka: [loudly] You're doing great. You were never even a player. No. Prince Zuko: Uncle. Prince Zuko: Because the Avatar's not dead. Something about this place feels alive. Toph, you're the one that Zuko burned. Prince Zuko: That's a problem. When she was unable to find the Avatar, Zuko decided to track Iroh instead, leading the group to Ba Sing Se, where they were approached by the Order of the White Lotus. Prince Zuko: Yes. So the question became how do you keep a lid on the hot air? He said I was free to travel the world. [Aang, Katara, and Toph do a group hug. [Points to Li] Lo, you're banished. I'm not going to end it like this. Yes. Katara: This is horrible, but we have to move on. Thanks again for the tea. As they headed back toward the village, Suki professed how she wanted to be just like the warriors when she was grown up, and Mingxia teased her for saying that every day. Just as the duo were starting to become overwhelmed, Toph's metalbending students suddenly arrived to come to their aid.[27]. Pipsqueak: And these boxes are filled with jelly candy. Captain: Princess, I'm afraid the tides won't allow us to bring the ship into port before nightfall. She was able to convince Appa to trust her despite his grievous injuries, and she helped nurse him back to health. in Literary Quotes in Movie Quotes in TV Shows I have a task for you. Ozai: [exhausted and defeated] What what did you do to me? Katara: What about Aang? Aang: This was so much easier in my head. Now I didn't like Aang at first but I grew to love him over time. Colonel Mongke: If you're surprised we're here, then the Dragon of the West has lost a few steps. The people of the world are *terrified* by the Fire Nation. So why don't you mind your own business? But I can't. Suki cautioned that Zuko and Aang were looking into the issue, and that the Kyoshi Warriors should wait for their findings before acting. I've always wondered what it's like in there. Azula: Together, you and I will be the strongest couple in the entire world! Azula: My brother and my uncle have disgraced the Firelord, and brought shame on all of us. Life does feel that way some times, doesn't it? We tasted victory and that counts for something. Long Feng: Do it. Uncle: No. Sokka: It's a giant mushroom. It's just that, whenever I would imagine the face of the enemy, it was your face. I can tell you that the Avatar has returned! And as we trained, it wasn't your skills that impressed me. Tags: avatar the last airbender, jacqstoned, kyoshi warrior, suki . General How: In exactly two months, the army and navy will invade the Fire Nation on the day of Black Sun. Sokka: [In a high-pitched voice] No problem, Sokka. Fire Nation Soldier: Yes, sir. Additional Voices: [Last lines, as Azulon is being cremated] Azulon. Katara: I'm sorry I yelled at you before. After warning him to let go, Suki easily defeated the uncompromising Jojan. Sokka: Stop wasting our time and give us the information. Sokka: No. Katara: Aang, I'm sorry but right now, I'm just really confused. Telling me to land. [Starts baby-talking at the hawk] Good wittle messenger Hawky. Sokka: [while grabbing and stomping out the torches she lit] It doesn't work like that if they're all lit at the same time! Sokka: [Crossing an area filled with small volcanoes] We'll have to be fast but careful. ZHAO THE INVINCIBLE! Sokka: We need to go back. Prince Zuko: [to Aang] I finally have you. All your life you've used fear to control people. Just follow the sound of my voice. I am General Fong, and welcome to all of you great heroes - Appa, Momo, brave Sokka, the mighty Katara. Well her Team bonded with ty Lee: the Avatar 's not so surprising warning him to let,... 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