He would tell em plain before hand, "Now no trouble." Young Joseph was his father's favorite child and primary recipient of his father's estate and wealth. The low class work in the fields. He had run off after he was sold and joined de North army and discharged at Fort Scoot in Kansas, and he said lots of freedmen was living close to each other up by Coffeyville in the Coo-ee-scoo-wee District. He said that those troops burned the Vann home during their pillage. They was Cherokee Indians. The city is divided into two parts: the old town, on a high hill, and the modern area, on level ground, which is fully connected to the city . The beautiful brick house was surrounded by kitchens, slave quarters and mills, with apple and peach orchards covering the adjacent hills. Little hog, big hog, didn't make no difference. Our marshal made us all sign up like this; who are you, where you come from, where you go to. The Vanns were a prolific family who reused many names, so later in life he was referred to as "Rich Joe." He was one of eight children born to his father's nine wives. She turned the key to the commissary too. My names' Lucinda Vann, I've been married twice but that don't make no difference. Don't know what they ever did with that arm. John Trader U Wa Ni Vann family tree Parents He was a slave on the Chism plantation, but came to Vann's all the time on account of the horses. Everything we had was made by my folks. 33, No. Soon as you come out of the water you go over there and change clothes. There Vann constructed a replica of his lost Georgia mansion. The land was timbered and the oldest children clear the land, or start to do the work while Pappa go back to Tahlequah to get my sick mamma and the rest of the family. MLA Source Citation: AccessGenealogy.com. When Marster Jim and Missus Jennie went away, the slaves would have a big dance in the arbor. Everybody had plenty to eat and plenty to throw away. Christmas lasted a whole month. He didn't want em to imagine he give one more than he give the other. When night came we cut grass and put the bed clothes on top for a bed. Oh the news traveled up and down the river. Lord yes, su-er. Joseph Vann was born February 11, 1798 near Springplace in the Cherokee Nation (now Georgia) the son of James Vann and Nancy Brown. Joseph H. Vann, (11 February 1798 23 October 1844). James was a prominent chief in the Cherokee Nation. They'd sell 'em to folks at picnics and barbecues. They spun the cottons and wool, weaved it and made cloth. Master Thompson brought us from Texas when I was too little to remember about it, and I din't know how long it was before we was all sold to John Harnage, "Marse John" was his pet name and he liked to be called that-a-way. Every morning the slaves would run to the commissary and get what they wanted for that day. He didn't want em to imagine he give one more than he give the other. No nails in none of dem nor in de chairs and tables. I'se proud anyway of my Vann name. A doctor put it in alcohol and they kept it a long time. He passed away on 4 Apr 1770 in Bertie, North Carolina, United States. Young Master Joe let us have singing and be baptised if we want to, but I wasnt baptized till after the war. There wasn't nothing left. She had belonged to Joe Hildebrand and he was kin to old Steve Hildebrand dat owned de mill on Flint Creek up in de Going Snake District. My parents are both dead now--seems like fifty, maybe sixty year ago. When the war come they have a big battle away west of us, but I never see any battles. Some of us had money. There was lots of preserves. That was sort of vault, where the family valuables was kept. Dey would come up in a bunch of about nine men on horses and look at all our passes, and if a negro didn't have no pass dey wore him out good and made him go home. We had about twenty calves and I would take dem out and graze-em while some grown-up negro was grazing de cows so as to keep de cows milk. When the Indians decided to return home for reinforcements, the slaves started moving again toward Mexico. I dont know about Robert Lee, but I know about Lees Creek. The last one was named for Hubbard Ross; he was related to Chief John Ross and was some kin to Daniel Nave, my father's master. Person Interviewed: Betty Robertson Location: Fort Gibson, Oklahoma Age: 93 I was born close to Webbers Falls, in the Canadian District of the Cherokee Nation, in the same year that my pappy was blowed up and killed in the big boat accident that killed my old Master. Snow on the ground and the water was muddy and all full of pieces of ice. In the pre-dawn hours of November 15, 1842, the Negroes locked their still-sleeping masters and overseers in their homes. Mammy got a wagon and we traveled around a few days and go to Fort Gibson. When they gave a party in the big house, everything was fine. I never forget when they sold off some more negroes at de same time, too and put dem all in a pen for de trader to come and look at. My uncle Joe was de slave boss and he tell us what de Master say do. Dey was all wid the south, but dey was a lot of dem Pin Indians all up on de Illinois River and dey was wid de North and dey taken it out on de slave owners a lot before de War and during it too. He was the father of Nancy Vann Mackey; and Delilah Amelia, wife of Oliver H. Perry Brewer (Brewer cemetery). Wife belong to de church and all de children too, and I think all should look after saving their souls so as to drive de nail in, and den go about de earth spreading kindness and hoeing de row clean so as to clinch dat nail and make dem safe for Glory. Pretty soon everybody commenced a singing and a prayin'. She was weavin when the case came up so quick, missus Jennie put her in her own bed and took care of her. We patted her grave and kissed the ground telling her goodbye. There'd be a hole wagon-load of things come and be put on the tree. He born at Spring Place, Georgia on February 11, 1798. I was afraid I would get cheated out of it cause I can't figure and read, so I tell old Master about it and he bought it off'n me. Robin Vann and Unknown 14 year old in 1809 Vann less. He tell us for we start, what we must say and what to do. Us slaves lived in log cabins dat only had one room and no windows so we kept de doors open most of de time. . Then one day one of my uncles name Wash Sheppard come and tried to git me to go live wid him. Master Jim and Missus Jennie was good to their slaves. When the white folks danced the slaves would all sit or stand around and watch. The Vanns later relocated to Indian Territory, present-day Oklahoma. His pappy was old Captain "Rich Joe" Vann, and he had been dead ever since long before de War. In Georgia, during the early 1800s, slaves owned by the Vann Family made the bricks and milled the lumber used to build the Vann House in Spring Place. Mammy went to a mean old man named Pepper Goodman and he took her off down de river, and pretty soon Mistress tell me she died cause she can't stand de rough treatment. I'se born across the river in the plantation of old Jim Vann in Webbers Falls. When they get it they take it back to their cabin. They could have anything they wanted. I got my allotment as a Cherokee Freedman, and so did Cal, but we lived here at this place because we was too old to work the land ourselves. The married folks lived in little houses and there was big long houses for all the single men. When the last of the Cherokees were forcibly moved west in 1838, government records indicate that 1,592 black slaves were moved to Indian Territory with their owners. Smoeone call our names and everybody get a present. There was Mr. Jim Collins, and Mr. Bell, and Mr. Dave Franklin, and Mr. Jim Sutton and Mr. Blackburn that lived around close to us and dey all had slaves. The white folks go first and after they come out, the colored folks go in. Brother of Ca-lieu-cah Mary Vann When the War come they have a big battle away west of us, but I never see any battles. I am searching, primarily, for Louis, his father and mother, Anthony (Antonio, Tony) and Maria. My aunt done de carding and spinning and my mammy done de weaving and cutting and sewing , and my pappy could make cowhide shoes wid wooden pegs. Pappy wanted to go back to his mother when the War was over the slaves was freed. A bunch of us who was part Indian and part colored, we got our bed clothes together some hams and a lot of coffee and flour and started to Mexico. When he get home he call my uncle and ask about what we done all day and tell him what we better do de next day. She won me lots of money, Black Hock did, and I kept it in the Savings Bank in Tahlequah. His death date is unknown - did NOT die in a steamboat explosion (that happened in 1844 to a different Joe Vann), did NOT die in 1809 (that was his son); was dead by 1800 when Clement Vann is reported by Moravians as husband of Wah li by by Indians wouldn't allow their slaves to take their husband's name. We had bonnets that had long silk tassels for ties. Joseph Harold Vann, born 31 May 1920 in Canton Texas, passed away on 24 December 2003 in Fort Worth Texas. After the old time rich folks die, them that had their money buried, they com back and haunt the places where it is. Yes Lord Yes. After a bloody fracas in 1834, Colonel W. N. Bishop established his brother, Absolom Bishop, on the premises and Joseph Vann with his family was driven out to seek shelter over the state line in Tennessee. Sometimes they fish in the Illinois river, sometimes in the Grand, but they always fish the same way. I go to this house, you come to my house. She had some land close to Catoosa and some down on Greenleaf Creek. Some had been in a big run-away and had been brung back, and wasn't so good, so he keep them on the boat all the time mostly. Old Master had some kind of business in Fort Smith, I think cause he used to ride into dat town about every day on his horse. He made a deal with Dave Mounts, a white man, who was moving into the Indian country to drive for him. His grandfather was Clement Vann, a Scottish trader who moved from Charleston, South Carolina, to the Cherokee lands in northwest Georgia and married Wa-wli, a Cherokee Indian. We had bonnets that had long silk tassels for ties. They wasn't very big either, but one day two Cherokees rode up and talked a long time, then young Master came to the cabin and said they were sold because mammy couldn't make them mind him. Of course I hear about Abraham Lincoln and he was a great man, but I was told mostly by my children when dey come home from school about him. I always pick a whole passel of muscadines for old Master and he make up sour wine, and dat helps out when we git the bowel complaint from eating dat fresh pork. James Vann had several other wives and children. Among the several hundred slaves owned by the Vanns at that time, many were skilled craftsmen and tradesmen capable of helping build such a fine house. There was a big church. They got on the horses behind the men and went off. They brought it home and my granmother knew it was Joe's. Sometime Young Master Joe and the other boys give me a piece of money and say I worked for it, and I reckon I did for I have to cook five or six times a day. Her master was white, but he had married into de Nation and so she got a freedmen's allotment too. Different friends would come and they'd show that arm. Chief Joseph David VANNfamily tree Parents John Joseph 'Indian Trader' Cherokee Vann 1735- 1815 Waw Li Otterlifter 1750- 1835 Wrong Chief Joseph David VANN? We had to have a pass to go any place to have signing or praying, and den they was always a bunch of patrollers around to watch everything we done. Mistress say old Master and my pappy on the boat somewhere close to Louisville and the boiler bust and tear the boat up. It was in the Grand River close to the ford, and winter time. Vann had the opportunity to enjoy his mansion for only a few years; he was fatally shot in 1809 by an unknown assailant. Everything was kept covered and every hogshead had a lock. In slavery time the Cherokee Negroes do like anybody else when they is a death, jest listen to a chapter in the Bible and all cry. All Indians lived around there, the real colored settlement was four mile from us, and I wasn't scared of them Indians for pappa always told me his master Henry Nave, was his own father; that make me part Indian and the reason my hair is long, straight and black like a horse mane. One and a half years after the war we all come back to the old plantation. Birth 1798 - Spring Place, Murray County, Georgia, United States of America Death 26 Oct. 1844 - Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USA Mother Nancy Agnes Brown Timberlake Father Chief James Clement Vann Quick access Family tree New search Joseph "Rich Joe" Vann family tree Family tree Explore more family trees Parents Chief James Clement Vann At least twenty-five of Vann's slaves participated in the Cherokee slave revolt of 1842. Chief John Joseph Vann was born circa 1736, at birth place, Kansas, to John Vann. Christmas morning marster and missus come out on the porch and all the colored folks gather around. They get something they need too. She was raised up at dat mill, but she was borned in Tennessee before dey come out to de nation. Don't know much about him. Dere come six children; Charley, Alec, Laura, Harry Richard and Jeffy, who waS named after Jefferson Davis. Joseph and his sister Mary were children of James Vann and Nannie Brown, both Cherokee of mixed-blood, with partial European ancestry. We was at dat place two years and made two little crops. It's on records somewhere; old Seneca Chism and his family. In summer when it was hot, the slaves would sit in the shade evening's and make wooden spoons out of maple. They had fine furniture that Marster Vann had brought home in a steamboat from far away. In 1840 the town of Harrison was developed on an adjoining property, and the county seat of Hamilton County was moved south to the Tennessee River to this location. Don't know where the other one lived. Joe had two wives, one was named Missus Jennie. Used to go up and down the river in his steamboat. Lord no, he didn't. We had a good song I remember. We made money and kept it in a sack. My pappy run away one time, four or five years before I was born, mammy tell me, and at that time a whole lot of Cherokee slaves run off at once. Snow on the ground and the water was muddy and all full of pieces of ice. Perdue, Theda, "The Conflict Within: The Cherokee Power Structure and Removal," Georgia Historical Quarterly, 73 (Fall, 1989), pp. He used to take us to where Hyde Park is and we'd all go fishin'. Everybody was happy. My marster and missus buried their money and valuables everywhere. Bryan (t) Ward also had a white family and his son John/Jack married a Cherokee woman named Caty McDaniel. At night dem trundles was jest all over the floor, and in de morning we shoved em back under de big beds to git dem outn' de way. Didn't you never see one of them slidin' beds? Everybody had a good time. He born at Spring Place, Georgia on February 11, 1798. She married as her second husband, Thomas Mitchell. Of course, all slaves were officially freed during the Civil War. James (Chief of Vann's Old Town) Vannfamily tree Parents Joseph Vann 1740- Unknown And we learned some things about religion from an old colored preacher named Tom Vann. Then I had clean warm clothes and I had to keep them clean too! All the Vann marsters was good looking. They never sent us anywhere with a cotton dress. Next came the carpenters, yard men, blacksmiths, race-horse men, steamboat men and like that. Dat was de time dat was the hardest and everything was dark and confusion. There was seats all around for folks to watch them dance. Mammy died in Texas, and when we left Rusk County after the Civil War, pappy took us children to the graveyard. I remember when the steamboats went up and down the river. John Trader U Wa Ni Vann married Mary Wa' Li' Cherokee King-Vann and had 15 children. The following slave narratives all mention the Vanns. The separation ended at a reunification council with the Cherokee Nation in 1809. There was five hundred slaves on that plantation and nobody ever lacked for nothing. Then we all have big dinner, white folks in the big house, colored folks in their cabins. My mother was born way back in the hills of the old Flint district of the Cherokee Nation; just about where Scraper Oklahoma is now. Indians made us keep our master's name. A whole half of ribs sold for twenty-five cents. Trusted by millions of genealogists since 2003. . If somebody bad sick he git de doctor right quick, and he don't let no negroes mess around wid no poultices and teas and sech things, like cupping-horns neither! Sometimes there was high waters that spoiled the current and the steamboats couldn't run. , Nancy Vann, John Shepherd Vann, David Vann, Jane Elizabeth Vann, Sallie Blackburn Vore (born Vann), Joseph W. Vann, William Vann, Miner https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/collection/1030/tree/69753803/person/36207324186/media/f7398599-0630-429e-b3f8-1944ec3951cd?_phsrc=RGj23082&_phstart=successSource, Spring Place, Murray County, Georgia, United States of America, Spring Place, Murray County, Georgia, United States, Cherokee () Principal Chiefs and Uka: Eastern, Western and Keetoowah, Chief Joseph Rich Joe Vann, Principal Chief, http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~lpproots/Neeley/cvann.htm, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Walker_steamboat_disaster. See other search results for Chief Joseph David VANN Ready to discover your family story? Connect to the World Family Tree to find out, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Vann, Chief James Clement Ii Vann, Elizabeth (Go-sa-du-i-sga) Vann (born Thornton), Sarah "sallie" Vann Nicholson Or Buzzard Trapper (born Vann), Feb 11 1798 - Spring Place, Georgia, Old Cherokee Nation East, United States, Oct 23 1844 - Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, United States, Chief James Vann, Ii, Nannie Vann (born Brown), Feb 11 1798 - Spring Place, Murray, Georgia, United States. Yes, Lord Yes. He wouldn't take us way off, but just for a ride. My father he say, "Now chillun, don't get smart; you just be still and listen, rich folks tryin tell us something" They come and call you, say so much money buried, tell you where it is, say it's yours, you come and get it. On October 23, 1844, the steamboat Lucy Walker departed Louisville, Kentucky, bound for New Orleans. Rende is a comune (municipality) in the province of Cosenza, Calabria, Italy, home to the headquarters of the University of Calabria.It has a population of about 35,000, or more than 60,000 if the university students living there are taken into account. We had home-made wooden beds wid rope springs, and de little ones slept on trundle beds dat was home made too. Dey was both raised round Webber's Falls somewhere. His britches was all muddy and tore where de hounds had cut him up in de legs when he clumb a tree in de bottoms. Joseph H. Vann was born at Spring Place, Georgia on February 11, 1798. Couldn't nobody go there, less they turn the key. In slavery time the Cherokee negroes do like anybody else when they is a death---jest listen to a chapter in the Bible and all cry. Master Joe was sure a good provider, and we always had plenty of corn pone, sow belly and greens, sweet potatoes, cowpeas and cane molasses. Indians wouldn't allow their slaves to take their husband's name. In one month you have to get back. My missus name was Doublehead before she married Jim Vann. Dey only had two families of slaves wid about twenty in all, and dey only worked about fifty acres, so we sure did work every foot of it good. They'd come to the door like this, "sh.." and go out quick again. I remember when the steamboats went up and down the river. He had to work on the boat, though, and never got to come home but once in a long while. They'd cut brush saplings, walk out into the stream ahead of the pen and chase the fish down to the riffle where they'd pick em up. Any information would be valuable. It was tied up at de dock at Webbers Falls about a week and we went down and talked to my aunt an brothers and sister. He wanted people to know he was able to dress his slaves in fine clothes. I dont know, but that was before my time. Christmas morning marster and missus come out on the porch and all the colored folks gather around. 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